Are you a support character?
If YES, proceed.
Does your team already have a courier?
If NO, proceed.
Are you an idiot?
If you are reading this, probably not.
But if you are, buy the god damned courier!
As you can see from the screen shot I took, common sense is quite uncommon. You might be thinking, "Oh, it was probably a noobs no stats game." Nope, it was a 1600+ rated game. (Big shot, I know.) Going into a stats game without any friends is almost a death wish. It's like rolling the dice. The team with the least amount of idiots win, and hopefully you will be on that team.
Another point I would like to make is how much it pisses me off when people don't share their couriers. Let me give you an example. (This was right after retail came out.) I was playing Chronos I think, (lol, I know right?) and there was a Glacius on my team. "i got courier" he said. Let me repeat that, "i got courier". Whatever, I just went to my lane. I was farming well and got my marchers and gloves of haste, all I needed was my bolstering armband to finish off steamboots. I clicked the squiggly thing on my keyboard to select the courier. BUT OH WAIT. It wasn't being shared. "Glacius, share please." What did I get in return? "stfu i bought it". I facepalmed. HARD.
Now I would understand if say someone like Pyro buys a courier off the bat to ferry his bottle back and forth, but at least (hopefully) the pyro would let the team know that he's not sharing it.
Well, that's it for the first Flying Courier post. I hope you guys enjoyed the read and I'll have more blogs about Hon, and possibly SC2, LoL, WOW, etc. Later!