
Monday, March 28, 2011

Varian Wrynn, King of Stormwind. (Part 1/3)

Varian Wrynn is a truly badass character in Warcraft Lore.  His background is very, very exciting and there's a lot of cool things that people never hear about.  So lets get to it.

  • Varian Wrynn was born to King Llane Wrynn in the Kingdom of Azeroth and as a youth lived a joyful and prosperous life as prince of Stormwind.
  • During the first war, stormwind was invaded and Varian helplessly watched his father, King Llane Wrynn, being brutally murdered by an Orcish rogue, Garona.
  • Varian escaped Stormwind with some commanding officers and fled to Lordaeron.  There he worked with King Terenas to end the war, and became friends with Arthas.
  • Stormwind City was rebuilt and Varian was crowned King.  He married, and had a kid name Anduin.  Later, however, his wife was killed by Edwin VanCleef.
  • On his way to Theramore for a meeting, he was kidnapped by the Defias and held captive.  Here Onyxia performed a ritual on him, and Varian was split into two duplicates.
  • Both of the duplicates had no recollection of the past.  One washed up on the shores of Durotar, and fought as a gladiator in Horde arenas.  One went back to Stormwind to act as Onyxia’s puppet. 

There's the background leading up to the true badassery.  I know, a bit boring, but necessary.  Stay tuned for Part Two.


  1. Always good to start with the basics, waiting for the second part.

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  2. Ah WoW memories. Good post.


  3. I want to see more parts soon as possible!

  4. Ah, WoW. My pas love/hate relationship...

  5. DOesn't compare to horde leaders .. at least in my book.

  6. Like Codi said, good to start w/ the basics. I'm looking forward to the next part :)

  7. More like love/love relationship

  8. I used to play WoW all the time...damn i miss those days. I I was a night elf, but maybe thats just because im a girl who knows lol.

  9. Never played WoW, but this looks interesting.

  10. I've never really read up on the lore behind Warcraft. I started playing WoW in 2006. I'm sure I'd know more if I'd played Warcraft the RTS game. Interesting stuff.

  11. I hate WoW because my best buddy is addicted to it! I blame the game lol!

  12. WoW the most addicting game ive ever played!

  13. Great post! Keep up the good blogging it will eventually pay off!

  14. I havent played wow since january, had played it for 5 years, was on a hardcore raiding guild.
    Best thing I ever did was quit

  15. oh boy. This makes me want to play again.

  16. He just could get a new haircut, this one is aweful
