With the release of the Cataclysm trailer yesterday (that you can check out here), I thought I would do another post regarding the upcoming expansion. Though not as beautifully written as Arthas, Bolvar Fordragon has come to be a major factor in the Warcraft universe. Let’s check out his backstory!
- Little is known about Bolvar’s early years besides the fact that he was a renowned human warrior.
- When Varian Wrynn, current King of Stormwind, went missing, he stepped up to look over the city. (This was in Vanilla & BC.)
- When the King returned, Bolvar was named commander of the Alliance forces, and led his troops against the scourge in Northrend.
- Here’s the part that most lot of people don’t know about.
- At the end of the Wrathgate cinematic, it looks like Bolvar died, but he didn’t.
- Both Saurfang and Bolvar’s bodies are recovered by the Scourge.
- Arthas, the Lich King at the time, tortured Bolvar Fordragon mercilessly, with the intent to corrupt him. However, Bolvar managed to resist.
- When Arthas Menethil was killed, Tirion Fordring was told that someone had to control the scourge. He was about to take up the job when Bolvar called to him.
- Bolvar told Tirion to give him the Helm of Domination (The spiky crown), to keep the scourge under control as his last act for Azeroth.
- Bolvar told Tirion that no one could know what had happened that day, to tell the people that the Lich King was dead, but Bolvar Fordragon died with him.
- And now, encased on the icy throne, is the new Lich King, Bolvar, the ‘Jailer of the Damned’.
So… what do you guys think? Will he control the scourge, and keep his own people safe. Or will he get power-hungry, like most people in his position do, and set the scourge after the innocent.
Is Bolvar much different from Arthas? Both had good intentions. Both made sacrifices. But will Bolvar fall to corruption, just as Arthas did? Guess we’ll find out in Cataclysm.